
Monday, December 22, 2014

Toy Time - Joy Time - Holiday Time

It’s that magical time of year when Santa Claus is working hard in the North Pole to bring them Gift exactly what they want. So naturally, most children take full advantage and so as mine. My little one is Little 2.5 year old, but my first born is 7 years and has big list for Mumma. Her list is way too big and mamma is in deli-ma, what to bring and what not.

So here she goes, 

1. She needs some beauty stuff...some fragrance for her from particular store "Bath and Body Works" . And mamma thinks, oh come on, you are just 7 years, how can you use those stuff. what if you get allergies and skin infection and Bla Bla Bla. may be I am thinking too much, but these days Ananyaa is behind this Bath and Body Works products. Anyway I got her some hand sanitizer and body mist. Which I am sure she is goona love it. I am still surprise and amazed that she is growing super fast. 

2. Friendly pet - Live Pet....Big thing to think about, having 2.5 years old at home and she herself having Asthma problem. I do like pets but having them at home and staying together, never thought about it. She wants pet at home, and it's big responsibility, which I can't take. I always ignore her or made her happy with some other thing when she ask for pet. I am just worried as they both are not big enough to take care of themselves, then how will they see pet. and on top of that it's extra work for grandma, me and Daddy. So I came up with live toy pet, which talk and play with them. I hope I am not goona make her sad rather than Happy this Holiday seasons.

3. Cool clothes - now that's my Girl. Like mother like daughter. I love clothes and so does she. I am sure she and Aaryana will love their Hello Kitty outfit and some other fashion stuff. 

4 Camera - Which I am not buying. May be some other time.

5. Karaoke system - She love to Sing and Dance. Thats what she so all the time, but I still tihnk she is little to have Karaoke. May be next year.

And for Aaryana...she is so innocent. If Santa don't give her anything she still will be happy seeing Ananyaa happy. My good baby, always happy baby...mommy loves you lot. Momma got her preschool learning toys which she is gonna love it. 

Last week we went to meet Santa at burger King. It was great fun. Ananyaa was very happy to see him and ask for what she want this year. Aaryu was scared of his white long beard. She just gave him Hi 5 and got happy when he game candy in return. It's was one fun day spent together with my girls and my Friend and his Son. took few pics to remember that Day. 

Can't believe, it's 3 days to go for Christmas and then next week is New Year, Our Gifts and give away is all packed up and nicely done. Some gifts still in buying list, which I guess, today is last call for that. A year above to end with lots of good and bad, happy and sad memories to cherish forever. Having Gala time doing shopping around at mall, for me + him, kids, mom, friends, and many more close people in my life.

 Have a Safe and Happy Holidays to All !!! 

Happy Me :)


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