
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Nervous Mooma 😌

Here’s my little Bear… once the baby of the family, she seems to have grown up overnight. Time for her to go in 1st year Kindergarten. 

Mommy is more nervous then her. I am going through same feelings when I have send my 1st born Ananyaa to Kindergarten. I can't imagine my babies are all grown up and ready to explore world outside Home, and at the same time feeling happy that finaly she will take her 1st step towards learning ABC and 123 tomorrow. I have checked her School bag more than 5 times, making sure everything is in order with basic stuff she need to start with. Grandma keep saying me, you also go to School with her tomorrow 😊😌. I am sure Aaryu is going to be fine as her Big sister is going to be with her. I trust Ananyaa, and I know she is always there to take care of Aaryu, and to protect her, to guide her to right path. I am very proud to both of you, for loving each other, for taking care of each other and to  rescue each other when any one of them in trouble. You both share special bond of Lovd called sisterhood, stay blessed always. 

It's so much peace now at my end as both of them are sleeping and I can see Excitment on Aaryana's face for 1st day of her School. My home is going be empty without her non stop talk, and her giggles and smiles. Specially grandma is goona miss her lot whole day and she was always glued to her. Wishing Aaryana very best for her 1st year of Kindergarten. Mumma, Daddy, Ananyaa and Baa loves you lot Dikka. Have fun, make lots of new friends and keep smiling always.  

No matter where life takes you both Mommy and Daddy is always with you both. ❤️❤️Love you both to 🌙🌝moon🌝🌙 and Back.

Lots of Love 😘
Yours Momma.

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