Friday is my favorite
day of the Week, Why? Because I am off to work and I can see Daddy after 1
week. It’s not that we don’t talk on weekdays, we do, but mostly on Phone, as
when I am at work he is Home and when he is home, I am at Work. It’s tight schedule
going on for me. But it’s ok, I do enjoy my day when I see everyone at home.
Ananyaa was happy as this weekend she was having B’day party of her Friend, for
which she was counting days. And for that she finish her homework on Friday only,
(well she always finish her HW on Friday)
Happiness is
when Dear Husband call home on friday afternoon and asking for going on Movie date, but unfortunately,
I can’t make it as Ananyaa was having her swimming class. Timing for movie and
her class was same. Rit’s was not little happy, but can’t help it. I told him
to go for last show of the day and he don’t want to do so. Life is such these days with us that finaaly he went alone for movie on saturady afternoon. #BusyLife
Happiness is -
when Ananyaa says, mumma I will ask you next time before I do make up. She did
dress and make up rehearsal a day before party. And what she did, she put lipstick
from her Makeup kit, which she got on her B’day as a present. She was like all
dark pink and looks funny. Daddy was little mad on her as, she never did these
before. She was above to cry when daddy was mad on her, thinking that now mumma
will be mad too. Thank god I didn’t lose my temper and then slowly I made her
understand that she is not allowed to do so until she is +18. She can just use lip-gloss
or chap stick which mumma buy for her every now and then. Well I do think there
is no harm to put chapstik and lipglose for girl under 12 year of age. She says
that Mumma I will listen to you and next time I will talk to you before doing
anything and she hugged me. She was such a sweetheart for saying that. That
night when I went to bed, I realize, did I listen to my Mom, I did some stupid
stuff like her too. Its girly thing and girls are supposed to do. But I was
just worried if she get any allergy, it’s nothing that I am against of it. I
guess may be too much make up is not right at her age. She is just 6 as of now.
Playing is different thing and to apply real make up was different.

Happiness is to
Drop Ananyaa for her Friend Ava’s B’day Party and I can see all girls excited
to celebrate. They all looks beautiful and full of life. All of them started
giggling and giving compliment to each other. Ava say’s Ananyaa you look
beautiful and she says her that Ava I like your dress, you looks beautiful too.
One of them say’s Ananyaa you looks like your Mom, and they giggles again. It
was so much fun to see them having fun together. I took few pics of them, and
then left her with her friends.
Happiness is to
see Aaryana doing drama for not having time out. I do put time out for both
girl when it is required. I guess that’s how they learn discipline and not to
make mess around. Today afternoon, Aaryu was not listening and running here and
there. Also she got bad habit these days. She will go near T.V and turn off
main power line of T.V and all other receiver attached to it. Everyone is fed
up at home for her act, constant now and then. These afternoon she trun off
main power line in living room and put her in play pan for her time out. There
you go, sh started crying loudly, Mumma….mummaa….mummaa and asking me to pick
up from playpan. I was all enjoying her fake crying and taking pictures and
videos of her. She was literally doing drama. I turn on the T.V and while
crying she is watching T.V when song is playing or her fav. Advertise is coming. It was fun watching her doing so.
So that was happy weekend for me...Hope same for others too..
Happy Song of the Day....Aaryana's Favourite Sari ke Fall sa Kabhi Match kiya Re
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