It was last Day Today for Aluna Fasting - Gauri Vrat. Girls had fun, specially Ananyaa, she kept fast for 5 days. It was hard to keep her entertained, she did gave tantrum for eating this and that, but finally we did it. I was remembering my childhood days when we used to do Gauri Vrat, I must say, it was so much fun during our days. I still tried to recreate those moments with my girls. Like having mehndi done, getting ready and doing Puja and going going in park and shopping. The most memorable moment was when Ananyaa was making face when I made Dosa one day and she was fasting. Dosa is not her favourite food, but like it said everything looks yummy when one has to fast. She gave me tantrum saying I have to make good food when she is fasting....Ha Ha Ha. I was remembering my days, we used to do same when we were little. All in all, it was really fun and we all enjoyed her Gauri Vrat with her.

Love In Simple Words
say's Live,Love & Laugh Always...
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Friday, June 30, 2017
June 2017
Saving the space to write more. It's summer time = Vacation time...and its busy busy at my end.
I want to write more n save some memories here before its get faded away from my mind.
Hope all is well at everyone's end 😊
Lots of ❤️ Love
Aaryana Celebrates her 5th Birthday this June 2017
Wishing my very sweet little girl, Happy 5th Birthday Princess 👑👸 👑's a Big 5, mummy wants you to keep this size only. 5 years have Flowen by and all I have are Pictures and Videos, to remind me that it was once, just a Baby as You. Love you a lot Sweet Heart 😘😘😘
Wishing Ananyaa's Little Sister👩❤️👩 Momma and Daddy's Sweetheart ❤️ and Baa's naughty princess 👸 a very happy 5th Birthday Aaryana 🎊 🎉🎊
lots of Love ❤️ from all of us ❤️😘❤️
Wishing Ananyaa's Little Sister👩❤️👩 Momma and Daddy's Sweetheart ❤️ and Baa's naughty princess 👸 a very happy 5th Birthday Aaryana 🎊 🎉🎊
lots of Love ❤️ from all of us ❤️😘❤️
Saturday, December 31, 2016
December Love, Loved to be Love
Its a 15th year markdown for our Wedding Anniversary this year 11 December 2016, for time together we spent with each other, Good and Bad, Happy and Sad to Forgive and Forget. There were many agreement and disagreement and Fights and Tears through these many years, but there was and there IS always Love and Laughter, Giggles and Smile, Joy and Happiness in Life with you. Dear Husband, Thanks for being always being You and just You. Thanks for, Surprise Trip to Beautiful Las -Vegas, Nevada. Vegas was Fun, a trip to remember with lots of Sweet and Spicy Memories forever.
I know I was annoyed to go leaving Kids behind with mum, but I did realize how imp it was for us to spent us time together, as since 10 years we never went anywhere alone as priority in Life was different at that time.All and all it was one memorable Anniversary, a year(2016) to Mark Down.
Celebrating our Teens Anniversary 💏#Memoriesof#15yearsofFriendship👫
#15yearsofLove💏#15yearsofHappiness😊😊#15yearsofstaresandFight 🙄😡#15yearsofTogetherness 👫💏 and Many More To Come ..... Sharing some Old and Making Some New Memories 😍😍
I know I was annoyed to go leaving Kids behind with mum, but I did realize how imp it was for us to spent us time together, as since 10 years we never went anywhere alone as priority in Life was different at that time.All and all it was one memorable Anniversary, a year(2016) to Mark Down.
Celebrating our Teens Anniversary 💏#Memoriesof#15yearsofFriendship👫
#15yearsofLove💏#15yearsofHappiness😊😊#15yearsofstaresandFight 🙄😡#15yearsofTogetherness 👫💏 and Many More To Come ..... Sharing some Old and Making Some New Memories 😍😍
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Nervous Mooma 😌
Here’s my little Bear… once the baby of the family, she seems to have grown up overnight. Time for her to go in 1st year Kindergarten.
Mommy is more nervous then her. I am going through same feelings when I have send my 1st born Ananyaa to Kindergarten. I can't imagine my babies are all grown up and ready to explore world outside Home, and at the same time feeling happy that finaly she will take her 1st step towards learning ABC and 123 tomorrow. I have checked her School bag more than 5 times, making sure everything is in order with basic stuff she need to start with. Grandma keep saying me, you also go to School with her tomorrow 😊😌. I am sure Aaryu is going to be fine as her Big sister is going to be with her. I trust Ananyaa, and I know she is always there to take care of Aaryu, and to protect her, to guide her to right path. I am very proud to both of you, for loving each other, for taking care of each other and to rescue each other when any one of them in trouble. You both share special bond of Lovd called sisterhood, stay blessed always.
It's so much peace now at my end as both of them are sleeping and I can see Excitment on Aaryana's face for 1st day of her School. My home is going be empty without her non stop talk, and her giggles and smiles. Specially grandma is goona miss her lot whole day and she was always glued to her. Wishing Aaryana very best for her 1st year of Kindergarten. Mumma, Daddy, Ananyaa and Baa loves you lot Dikka. Have fun, make lots of new friends and keep smiling always.
No matter where life takes you both Mommy and Daddy is always with you both. ❤️❤️Love you both to 🌙🌝moon🌝🌙 and Back.
Lots of Love 😘
Yours Momma.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Thoda hai aur Thode ki hi Zaroorat Hai !!!
Thoda hai aur Thode ki hi Zaroorat Hai.....We have enough but always long for more (Kind of Thoda hai Bahut ki Zaroorat Hai), and in our pursuit of the worldly, materialistic pleasures, we always miss the small things in life, around us.
Few months back, I was talking to my brother in law on his B'day and my views on that conversation are hunting me till today, so thought to make it way on my Blog. We were just in general talk, how we used to celebrate B'days 10-15 years back. We always use to enjoy simple pleasure of Life. Life was so simple and the more I think on this, the more I realize the simplicity of life we had back then in 90s. People were not as sophisticated as today. Having a decent job, a house and a good Husband/ Wife was everyone’s ultimate dream. It was a time when getting a government job was considered as a big achievement. A time when having a TV at home was a luxury, but having less option on channels to watch. And then new era of Computers and Internet and mobile phones was introduced with less connectivity with everyday life. There was time to connect with friends and family, Life was little stressful and easy going. But desire was not less and it was always grown to achieve more.
Not that things are not good now. In fact, I would say things have changed for better and we live in a much better society now. Our generation is more ambitious, more confident, high flying with better opportunities, better lifestyles, more comfortable living. I will say, in a way, life has settled into a sort of a routine. There is always something to do, and there isn’t enough time. At the same time, there is always a feeling that not enough is being done. Every single person is running to get one and other thing or to achieve goal in Life and in that,somewhere we forgot to see Happiness in small things.
Life is indeed beautiful, and lets enjoy each moment of it... and let's be satisfy with whatever little we have :)
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