
Friday, June 30, 2017

June 2017

Saving the space to write more. It's summer time = Vacation time...and its busy busy at my end.

I want to write more n save some memories here before its get faded away from my mind. 

Hope all is well at everyone's end 😊

Lots of ❤️ Love 


Aaryana Celebrates her 5th Birthday this June 2017

Wishing my very sweet little girl, Happy 5th Birthday Princess 👑👸 👑's a Big 5, mummy wants you to keep this size only. 5 years have Flowen by and all I have are Pictures and Videos, to remind me that it was once, just a Baby as You. Love you a lot Sweet Heart 😘😘😘
Wishing Ananyaa's Little Sister👩‍❤️‍👩 Momma and Daddy's Sweetheart ❤️ and Baa's naughty princess 👸 a very happy 5th Birthday Aaryana  🎊 🎉🎊


lots of Love ❤️ from all of us ❤️😘❤️