
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Aluna Vrat

It was last Day Today for Aluna Fasting - Gauri Vrat. Girls had fun, specially Ananyaa, she kept fast for 5 days. It was hard to keep her entertained, she did gave tantrum for eating this and that, but finally we did it. I was remembering my childhood days when we used to do Gauri Vrat, I must say, it was so much fun during our days. I still tried to recreate those moments with my girls. Like having mehndi done, getting ready and doing Puja and going going in park and shopping. The most memorable moment was when Ananyaa was making face when I made Dosa one day and she was fasting. Dosa is not her favourite food, but like it said everything looks yummy when one has to fast. She gave me tantrum saying I have to make good food when she is fasting....Ha Ha Ha. I was remembering my days, we used to do same when we were little. All in all, it was really fun and we all enjoyed her Gauri Vrat with her.

Friday, June 30, 2017

June 2017

Saving the space to write more. It's summer time = Vacation time...and its busy busy at my end.

I want to write more n save some memories here before its get faded away from my mind. 

Hope all is well at everyone's end 😊

Lots of ❤️ Love 


Aaryana Celebrates her 5th Birthday this June 2017

Wishing my very sweet little girl, Happy 5th Birthday Princess 👑👸 👑's a Big 5, mummy wants you to keep this size only. 5 years have Flowen by and all I have are Pictures and Videos, to remind me that it was once, just a Baby as You. Love you a lot Sweet Heart 😘😘😘
Wishing Ananyaa's Little Sister👩‍❤️‍👩 Momma and Daddy's Sweetheart ❤️ and Baa's naughty princess 👸 a very happy 5th Birthday Aaryana  🎊 🎉🎊


lots of Love ❤️ from all of us ❤️😘❤️