Today is Ganesh Chaturthi, lets have some chat together. Nothing serious to talk as Siddhivinakya is just a calm God.
Once upon a time, I mean long-long ago, there was an important issue among the Gods – which God should be worshiped first ? I guess many of you know the story, but let me tell it once more. Okey so, a high class Divine meeting was called. Everyone who claimed for ‘the first’ was present there. To find out who should be prayed first ? – it was decided that whoever takes one round of the universe quickest, will be prayed first. In our Hindu belief, all Gods have own personal vahans (vehicles). (See the importance of animal kingdom Hinduism gives). Some vahans do fly, some swin, some are walking and some running. And our Ganesha had the slowest one to travel – the rat. May Ganesh ji was aware of his limitations and strength. Anyway eeing his vahan significantly slow compared to others, he came to kailash mountain and made a round of his parents God Shiva and Goddess Parvati – and reached the final destination much before the quickest God was to arrive there. To him the universe was his parents – and all god accepted his intelligence and wit. And there is a great lesson lying there – if one can read between the lines. First, giving importance to the parents and the other right wisdom used at right place to overcomes all odds.

Anyway importance of mouse could never underestimated. The little mouse have been in our impressoin long. In Durgapujo’s we kids used to search little mouse nearby the Ganesh’s deity - That still I do
. And today in fact computer mouses do rule the world. There are some people who knows the importance of mouse very well. See a mouse helping plants to grow here
. At one place I have seen a mouse being used for hanging mosquito net too. May Lord Ganesha bless we all intellectuals 
Lord Ganesha is always happy one, be at any situation. May you rarely find photo of angry ganesh. I have seen the cute Ganesha on bookselves, on vehicles, on computers and everywhere. I guess Ganesha has most varied pictures in various postures and popular among the artists. One image that I found on net, I would like to publish here , which shows signifance of his unique appearance.
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to everyone over here....May God Ganesha Take all ur Pain N leave u with Happiness forever... Jai Ho....Jai Ho...